Wednesday, 28 December 2016

The Annual Review

Translation of a satiric article by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay published in the Bengali periodical "Bangadarshan" 1875. 

Reviewing the old year at the commencement of the New Year is convention followed by newspapers. Bangadarshan is not a newspaper; hence it is not mandatory for Bangadarshan to do an annual review. But don’t we have an aspiration to write one? Many of us aim living a royal life even though not born royal; and many of dark Bengalis dress in pantaloons and coat to look like Englishmen. Similarly, we being small monthly publication are also taking an attempt to imitate mighty influential newspapers.

But the fate of human race prevents its desires from being fulfilled, whenever whatever desire is there. The New Year comes in Bengali month Poush*1; and we are writing for the month Agarahayan*2. Oh dear! That is anticipating an event before its taking place – similar to telling the story of Ram before he was born!  Fortunately, Bangadarshan does not follow any rule of writing – while the periodical is in fact, despotic! Hence, we will not suppress our desire of becoming reviewer and will review the year 1875 in Bengali Agrahayan. Dear Last year - be careful – we are going to review you!

As we have conducted an investigation regarding the administrative performance of Last year, we came to know that there were exactly three hundred sixty five days in that year – not a day less than that. Each day consisted of twenty four hours and each hour consisted of sixty minutes. We did not get any of these lesser than usual.

None of the administrative officers intervened in this. This is sign of their wisdom. Some say that it would be better if this year had a few days less. We do not approve this proposition. With lesser days in a year, only the service-holders gain extra payment and Newspapers columnists have lesser work in hand – but that does not help a commoner. (We publish a monthly – none will be ready to accept lesser than twelve issues in a year).  But a ban on summer will be appreciated. We appeal the authority to draft a law to ensure that all twelve months of the year belong to winter.

We are sorry to know that each on us lost one year of our lifespan last year. We do not completely believe it. There is proof before our eyes that last year we were seventy one and this year we became seventy two. How come this one year is added if one year is stolen? Only critics could have spread a rumour like this!

The year was actually great – and this is evident from the fact that many babies were born last year. The efficient employees of Tistimestel department came to know from a special investigation that some did give birth to male children, some female children and some had miscarriage. Unfortunate is that some humans, not many, did die of diseases. We have heard that a national confederation will appeal to parliament against death. No person in this sacred land should die. In case of death being necessary, every citizen of this land will have to take permission from police before dying.

The performance of finance department was truly splendid this year – we have heard that the Government earned revenue and they did spend as well. Be the news wonderful or not, the wonderful fact it – the Government fund went either surplus or reduced or perfectly balanced. It is still unpredictable whether some new tax will be imposed next year (‘76) – but we will be definitely able to tell that by April ’77.

We are not able to praise the way judiciary functioned last year. True that the legal processes for those who filed case, are on the way or will be started soon. But there is no process for those, who did not file a petition. We are not able to comprehend this scenario. Wherever there is a law court, there has to be judgements – be a petition filed or not. The Sun-god gives light to everyone independent of anyone’s appeal; the cloud pours rain once in a while, be anyone wants rain or not. Therefore, the judge should give judgement considering the affairs of every home. If some say that some broomsticks* may cause sudden interruption in case judges reach every home to confer judgement, then we must explain that Government employees are not scared of broomsticks. The low-profiled judges are already familiar with that – they have a communication with that almost every day in their own homes. As peacock loves snakes, they love broomsticks – take a beating of it wherever available. We have heard that some lower division employees of the Government proposed that as long as there is an award “Order of the Star of India” to honour senior Government employees, there should be another award “Order of the Broom” for junior Government employees as well. Extraordinarily efficient deputies, sub-judge and officials should be selected for this award. Each of them should be awarded with a broomstick tied with a rope, hanging from their neck like medals. It will look fabulous on their ever trembling chest dressed in coat and chain and shawl. We can definitely tell that the honour will be appreciated if it comes as a bonus from the Government. We are worried of only one thing – there will be so many aspirants for this honour that probably arranging those many broomsticks will be difficult.

Monsoon was good last year but the amount of rainfall was not same everywhere. This is a biased treatment from the part of clouds. People from the places, which experience low rainfall, appealed to Government to determine a method to ensure same amount of rainfall everywhere. As per our understanding, a committee should be established to find out a way. Some of our honourable colleagues expressed an opinion that if Government declares an allowance for the clouds, then there should not be any objection from the cloud’s part against moving to the draught regions. But we do not think that this proposal would have an effective outcome. The clouds of Bengal are in love with thunderbolts – will never be ready to shift to some other country even for hike. We propose the abolition of clouds and deployment of water-carriers instead. A long bamboo pole could be placed on every piece of land. An office-bearer or an efficient Deputy may supervise a process of tying up an water-carrier with the higher end of the bamboo-pole. After sprinkling water on the fields from there, the carrier may come down. Isn’t it a good idea?

The women of our country are devoid of patriotism. Otherwise they could sprinkle the entire tear they shed everyday on domestic issues going to the fields – it would save lot of irrigation effort in agricultural fields. And cloud department could be abolished instantly. However, considering the health and psychological status of people, we would propose deploying police force to guard the fields if women’s tear is ordered instead of rain from the clouds. Thunderbolt do not take life of many; but we are not sure what may happen to the simple farmer’s sons in the middle of the fields, if they are struck by the glance thrown by the corner of our women’s eyes – there must be police pickets to help.

We have heard that lot of issues emerged in the education department last year. Sources say that some of the students invented a measuring scale to measure the level of deafness of the teachers. They are doubtful of their teacher’s listening skills and not ready to learn from the teachers without testing it. Hope the measuring tool is not too short?

However – be the Last year a bad one or a good one – we have learnt three very important facts beyond doubt. Firstly, the year is over. There is no conflict of opinion regarding this. Secondly, the year has been passed never to come back. None should try to convince it to return – your effort will be of no avail. Thirdly, whether it comes back or not, dear reader! – It does not make a difference to you and me. To you and me, the year ’75 showed mare’s nest and the year ’76 will show the same mare’s nest. May God bless you – please take care of your mare’s nest.

*1  December\ January          
*2  November\ December

* There are jokes about Bengali housewives’ using broomsticks to drive trespassers away from home and also to beat their husbands. 

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